Our wide range of customized Spraying drones are used to apply herbicides, pesticides and other liquid applications directly to the field. Using our team of qualified and certified drone pilots ,what used to be a tedious and time consuming task is done more effectively ,minimizing chemical wastage and time used. The great thing is that many spraying drones can be flown fully autonomously. Our drones are intelligent enough to know when to return for a fresh battery or more liquid payload.


One of our best services at in2 Drones is the fact that using our highly data analysts and data collecting drones we are able to scout large tracts of land and analyze the data collected. Our data analysts and inhouse Agronomists , process and examine the data This helps our clients make data driven decisions which in turn translate to profits and timely control of outbreaks.


Evenly top dressing fertilizer in large tracts of land can be a tedious and time consuming job, But worry no more here at in2 Drones we got all your agricultural needs covered. Without Hindrances of either Bad weather or vegetation our customized drones are able to perform all these tasks with ease flying with payloads of upto 50 Kgs  

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